How to start a good game in Roblox Studio

The Basics in RobloxStudio
Studio in Roblox

 If you want to create a game in Roblox you need to know basics.

 -First open Roblox Studio then select Baseplate theme.

 -Then to make structure select Part and you can put Block, Wedge, Sphere and Cylinder in your map.

Roblox parts
When you click on part it will show you this options
and you can select one of these and it will
automatically put object that you selected.

Roblox Part
This is Part

It will look like this:

Bock in RobloxStudio

 Then if you want it bigger select tool scale.
 You have tools like select, move, rotate and scale.
These are basic tools.

Tools in Roblox

If you want it colored or other look you can do that with Edit tools.
 You have Material and Color.

Edit in Roblox
These are Edit tools

 For color select color and you will see this on screen.

Colors in Roblox
You can select color that you want.

 For material you will click Material and it will show you options for materials.

Materials in Roblox

Editor have a lot of Materials to select like grass or foil and many others.
 And when you select block that you create just click on grass material and choose any green color.   It will look like grass on picture below.

Grass Block in Roblox

And if you don't like these square objects on the block, select MODEL and it will show you option Surface.
 Then select smooth and it will look better.

Surface in Roblox

Surface options in Roblox

Grass in Roblox
